Ultimate Guide to Audience Engagement

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In a world filled with streaming services, email, and social media, audience engagement is vital to achieving your growth goals. Without solid engagement, your audience isn’t going to pay attention to your content. A distracted audience member is less likely to buy, refer and share.

In this guide, you will understand why audience engagement and audience retention are fundamental for driving revenue and growth and what are some of the strategies and best practices you can adopt in your business.

Importance of Audience Engagement for Revenue Growth

Audience engagement drives revenue growth in several ways, depending on your business. Here are three ways audience engagement can increase revenue in different industries.


In publishing, more time on your website means greater opportunities to earn advertising revenue. A highly engaged audience member will stay on your website for minutes at a time and keep coming back. That depth and frequency of interaction mean you can keep earning more advertising revenue.


When someone comes across your website for the first time, they may need more time to be ready to buy. Earning permission to stay in touch with a passing website visitor through email or other means is vital. Visitors will repeatedly return when your website becomes a hub of valuable content and community experiences. This repeated engagement means you have more opportunities to present sales, new products, and other conversion opportunities.

B2B Companies

B2B Company

B2B sales take considerable time and trust. Offering an engaging online experience is one way to demonstrate your expertise and trustworthiness. Your website can offer informative webinars about industry trends to prospects. Regularly offered premium content opens the door to sales opportunities.

Measuring and Analyzing Audience Engagement

As you start building your audience engagement strategies, it’s important to periodically stop and assess your efforts. Fundamentally, there are two dimensions to assess the success of your audience engagement: quantity and quality.

Step 1: Measure The Size of Your Audience

The Size of Your Audience

Even if you have a smaller niche audience, it is vital to keep growing the size of your audience. Specifically, focus on the audience metrics you can directly control, such as your website and email audience. Use the following metrics to track the size of your audience growth:

  • Number of website visitors with time on site over 60 seconds.
  • Number of email subscribers who have opened one email in the past 30 days.

What about your social media followers? While social traffic is helpful, it should not be the focus of your audience-building efforts. Social media platforms have a habit of changing the rules and making it harder to reach your audience over time. Also, a social media follower doesn’t have the option to share first-party data with you, which makes it much harder to follow up with them.

Step 2: Measure The Quality of Audience Engagement

A large audience who doesn’t care about your brand or content doesn’t do you any favors. That’s why keeping an eye on the quality of audience interaction is vital. Use the following metrics to control the quality of your audience engagement:

  • Live Chat Participation: Track how many people regularly participate in your online events and use your live chat room. Regular chat participation is an excellent sign of a highly engaged audience.
  • Live Stream / Online Event Participation: This type of engagement is often linked to live chat engagement. You might track other types of engagement here, such as clicks or comments.
  • Content Sharing: Taking the effort to share your blog posts, videos, podcasts and other content with other people is fantastic. This kind of organic sharing can play a crucial role in driving audience growth.
  • Audience Comments: Comments on your content (i.e., blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc.) are often a good sign that your audience is engaged.
  • Participation In Surveys: Receiving quality answers to surveys you send out to your audience is a positive sign of significant engagement.

Now that you have your audience engagement measurement systems in place, what’s next? You’ve probably found that your engagement has room to grow. Use the following tips to grow your engagement even further.

7 Tips To Boost Audience Engagement Quickly

Arena has resources and solutions that make it easier to grow audience engagement. You can install Arena software on your website in minutes. Take a look on our step-by-step on how to manage live chats experiences with Arena.

After you have it installed, use these tips to keep audience engagement growing.

One word of caution – it’s wise to start small. Building an engaged audience takes time. It’s better to execute a few strategies well than overwhelm your audience.

Increasing Audience Engagement With Better Planning

Improving your results starts with ensuring your efforts are headed in the right direction by planning. Put these tips into action to create memorable online experiences that your audience can’t stop talking about!

1. Double Down On What Your Audience Already Wants

There’s no need to start with a blank page when it comes to audience engagement. Review your social media accounts, website analytics, email platform, and other tools to see which content already draws the most engagement (e.g. highest pageviews, highest average time on site, etc.)

Once you have that list of high-performing content, brainstorm variations with your team. Let’s take a sports brand for example. You found that your in-depth review guides for shoes consistently perform well. Look at other related products that you could review for your audience. This could be as simple as taking an older guide – anything older than 12 months – and updating it for today’s environment.

Once you find a few proven content ideas that your audience already likes, plan a live experience with Arena Live Chat.

2. Identify Content Opportunities In The Next 3 Months

Breaking news events or up-to-the-minute content are a proven way to draw people to your website, especially for publishers. In some cases, it’s possible to anticipate these events! That makes it far easier to use Arena Live Blog to offer an engaging experience to your audience.

To identify potential breaking news opportunities, look at highly anticipated scheduled events. For example, a technology publisher might see that Google and Apple have their annual conferences coming up soon. Those events often include exciting new product announcements and other news.

Once you find a potential event, start planning your live blog coverage. Offering regular updates (e.g. hourly) is a powerful way to draw people back to your website repeatedly as the news event unfolds. By preparing some evergreen content in advance (e.g. explainers and Q&A with influential people)), you can ease the pressure on your team.

3. Create A List of Company Experts To Participate In Events

Audience engagement efforts usually involve the same set of people at a company. For a publisher, it will be a combination of reporters, on-air personalities and freelancers. For brands, your marketing team will likely do much of the heavy lifting. Those contributors will form the core of your audience engagement team.

However, variety and fresh perspectives are critically important for audience engagement. That’s why it is helpful to recruit other people in the company to make occasional appearances. For example, you might involve your product team to speak about new features when you have something especially exciting to offer.

By diversifying the number of employees with audience engagement experience, you’ll have a more resilient team in the future.

4. Start (or Expand) Your Influencer Network

Expand influencer network and audience engagement

Growing your network of influencers is another way to enrich your audience engagement experiences. Influencers vary in terms of their audience size, compensation expectations and skills so take some time to reach out to a variety of people. Inviting a special influencer guest to appear in an online event is one of the best ways to make your online experiences more appealing for your audience.

5. Choose Your Moderation Filters

When running a large event or news coverage where a live chat is available for the community, planning for the unexpected is wise. Disruptive behavior, foul language or even off topic comments are all likely to occur. With Arena Live Chat, you have manual and automated moderation features to keep the discussion brand-safe and focused.

6. Use Polls To Gather Quick Feedback

Knowing if you’re connecting can be tricky when you run a digital event to engage your community. A few well chosen poll questions in your event are a perfect way to test the waters and see if people respond. For instance, you can ask which topic the audience is most interested near the start of the event. Then, based on that feedback, you can adjust the focus of the event to meet your audience’s interests.

7. Get Your Audience To Act With Conversion Cards

An engaged audience that pays attention to you is wonderful, but you may need more than that to reach your goals. You may have a goal to drive up paid subscribers. Use Arena conversion cards to highlight your promotion and track responses. Using a few conversion cards in your event is one of the best ways to ensure that audience engagement contributes to your goals.

The Role of Audience Engagement in Community Growth

Working towards audience engagement is crucial for the growth of any community. Engaging your audience fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty, which is essential for building a strong and active community. When audiences feel connected and valued, they are more likely to participate, share content, and advocate for your brand.

This heightened level of interaction not only boosts community morale but also attracts new members, creating a cycle of continuous growth and engagement. By prioritizing audience engagement, you lay the foundation for a thriving, vibrant community that can sustain long-term success.

Build Your Online Community With Arena

It takes a lot of effort to keep growing audience engagement long-term. You need a steady stream of exciting content, interesting contributors, and a team to execute. Fortunately, one part of the puzzle is easy: getting the technology in place. Find out how to use Arena to build your online community right on your website.

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