

Community Building


Retail & Apparel


Live Chat


Since 1966, Vans sells more than just sneakers and clothes: they sell an urban and hip lifestyle. With Channel 66, Vans enhances its customer’s connection through a live streaming platform full of music, culture, and arts, that provides fresh content every day from New York, Chicago, Mexico City, and Los Angeles.
Arena Live Chat easily allowed Vans’ customers to engage and interact with the brand and with each other in real-time on their music platform, Channel 66.


Followers on Instagram’s channel @vanschannel66


Countries have Vans’ commercial presence


Monthly live music virtual events from NY, LA, CDMX, and Chicago

From the streets to the web

To transport an urban culture to the digital world without losing a strongly consolidated brand identity.

The Big Picture

Vans has been building a strong brand identity that is focused on urban culture since its beginnings in the late 1960s. But, the world has changed a lot over the last few decades. To keep its relevance with its highly connected customers Vans created Channel 66, a live content streaming platform.

Arena Live Chat helped to enrich and enhance Channel 66. Its user-friendly interface helped to turn Vans’ initiative into a much more audience-friendly platform, enabling customers to connect with each other easily.

A no-code Live Chat solution enabled Vans to bring Channel 66 closer to their audience.

Connect with the audience. Boost brand culture.

Updating a lifestyle.To enhance their live platform, Channel 66, Vans used Arena Live Chat to make it easy for their audience to engage and connect with the brand and with each other.
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