

Live Event Engagement


Digital Publishing


Live Chat

Arena Live Chat powered Nubank’s IPO event by enabling the audience to watch and interact with the company’s board live from the New York Stock Exchange.


Client Accounts


Investors on IPO Day


Anitta’s followers on Instagram



Nubank was founded in 2013 by David Vélez, Cristina Junqueira, and Edward Wible with a simple-yet-powerful purpose: to eliminate the bureaucracy between a bank and its customers, thus revolutionizing financial services. From a humble beginning with an office inside a small house to managing big operations in three countries, supported by more than 3,000 collaborators, Nubank is today a paragon of success and facility. But, there’s more! Anitta, one of the world’s greatest popstars, is a Board Member of Nubank, which brings a tremendous visibility to the brand.

Making an IPO a pop event.

Nubank’s IPO became a pop-music-large-scale event, bringing almost a million investors and a huge social media audience to Anitta’s virtual concert.

The Big Picture

The time finally came to Nubank. After eight years of constant and solid growth, the third unicorn of Brazil finally decided to open its capital to investors all over the world. The New York Stock Exchange was chosen as the stage of the company’s greatest moment. But, not only did that happen: Anitta, a member of Nubank’s Board, performed her hits at a live event streamed on the internet in real-time.

Arena Live Chat allowed employees, customers and audience to interact with each other during Nubank’s IPO. Our no-code Live Chat solution enabled Nubank’s audience to be part of its historical milestone.

The day the world became purple.

Nubank’s IPO live event boosted by Arena Live ChatTo boost their IPO, Nubank decided to stream the event directly from The New York Stock Exchange with an exclusive concert by Anitta, and Arena Live Chat allowed everyone to be a part of this moment
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