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Live Chat is the easiest and fastest way to increase your brand’s conversions. Through real-time conversations, you can generate more leads and convert more clients! Doesn’t it sound great?

At the same time, a Live Chat tool can allow a person to be attended, it also allows him or her to keep navigating the website. Same way, you can even keep working on your daily tasks and talk with the attendant. As a matter of fact, the attendants themselves can perform more than one service simultaneously.

Most companies use the software for customer support services, but it can be so much more than that. It helps a brand to provide customer service and increase conversions. Whether that happens by generating qualified leads or by making a sale.

Overall, Live Chat is a communication tool, so it can cover support, sales, and customer service as a whole. In addition, it can also work for group chats. Besides, the benefits list is quite long.

Let’s talk more about: 

  • the benefits of Live Chat
  • how to increase leads conversions
  • what makes Live Chat so efficient to increase conversions
  • how to use Live Chat to achieve better results

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The benefits of Live Chat

More than increasing conversions, there are many advantages you get by acquiring a Live Chat solution. Here, let’s highlight how you can use all of them to improve your business’s customer experience.

So, what are the Live Chat benefits?

Improve brand value

Much like entering a physical store and wanting to ask many questions to a salesperson, when a client enters your eCommerce, they might need someone to talk to and help them make a decision. And how can you make sure that person doesn’t go away without guaranteeing a purchase?

Use a Live Chat!

If there’s a Live Chat available, the website visitor can simply start a conversation and have all their questions answered right away. Just like it would be in-store. This is quite an effective way to cause a good impression and create a loyal customer basis. Thus, increasing your brand value.

The right place at the right time

Maybe you’ve heard this before if you work with Customer Data and a CDP. Let me explain: this happens because when you use a CDP, you know everything about your consumers, who they are, what they like, how they behave, and so on.

Because of that, you can understand exactly how to approach them and when to do it.

Now, how does that logic work with a Live Chat? By using Customer Data, you can take the first step and start a conversation with clients who abandoned their carts or who are trying to cancel an order. Of course, the chat is also available if the clients themselves want to initiate a conversation.

Either way, problem-solving becomes a lot quicker and easier.

Low costs

When you use a Live Chat, you can save some money with telemarketing, for example. That’s because operators and phone call charges can be high for not-so-good results. More than reducing expenses, you’ll be optimizing your service and team productivity.

After all, 1 Live Chat attendant can perform up to 6 conversations at the same time, while a phone operator can only do one customer at a time.

Improve customer service

Because we’re talking about an online, real-time communication channel that happens between two actual people (not a bot), the brand creates a closer relationship to the customer. Both improving the services and the customer experience.

Even more than that, the personalization a Live Chat brings to each client’s assistance is something that helps guarantee the excellence of an eCommerce service.

Brand humanization

Making a brand more human nowadays is essential. But what does that mean? Basically, it’s about giving your brand more personality. It doesn’t necessarily need to have a face, but it is important to work with a tone of voice and brand values throughout your communication.

For whatever strategy you chose for your business, Live Chat is a way to make the “human-factor” happen. And the explanation is simple: there is a human behind the screen.

The only thing to say about using this software is: make sure your attendants are well-trained and follow the same tone of voice in their chats. Of course, they can add a bit of their own personality to make the chat more dynamic, but they need to stick to the company’s brand persona character.

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Find out customer pain points

There is no better way to learn about your consumers than by talking to them. For that reason, real-time chat is the path to go.

In addition to learning about the customers’ main questions, you can even create opinion polls and set them to happen once a chat is finished (or even before it starts). This is both a way to know them better and to generate some leads, since they will need to leave their email information.

Increase ROI

It seems needless to say that an increase in conversions also increases the return on investment of a company, but, then again, that is not always the case. So, it’s necessary to complete the information here by saying that:

Yes, Live Chat does help increase your business’ ROI.

This tool pays itself easily, which means the investment you make to acquire, install, and use the Live Chat is repaid fast. Hence, increasing the company’s ROI.

Perform cross-selling strategies

Still thinking about the ROI of your brand, Live Chat helps you perform cross-selling strategies. That is, a way to make sales by offering complementary products to the one originally bought by the consumer.

To clarify with an example, let’s say you have a sports store and someone came wanting to buy a tennis racket. When the person adds the racket to their cart, you can initiate a chat with a message such as, “How about getting these tennis balls 30% OFF?” 

You’d be surprised with the effectiveness of this method. Simple like that, you’ll for sure see the results of your sales and revenue increase.

Problem-solving promptness

You know how we said clients and attendants can multitask while using the Live Chat? That means when providing a service to the consumer, attendants can leave the page of the chat to look for information that will answer every question asked.

Sometimes it’s necessary to enter the store system, look for a register, find something in a contract, or something like that. This makes it vital for the attendant to have the freedom to navigate while talking to a client.

Competitive edge

Even though many companies make this chat available on their internet pages, it’s usually directed for customer support. But, as we’ve been talking about here, when you use the tool for other purposes, you give a few steps ahead of your peers.

Even more so when using a Live Group Chat, that allows users to talk among themselves about several subjects.


This is not the cheapest software out there, but it’s far from being expensive. Plus, it’s one of the safest purchases you can make for your company since it brings the results you aim for.

While Live Chat increases the productivity of a variety of contributors (customer support, customer service, and sales), customers themselves are more pleased with the service offered. This way, your business will have more loyal customers, the type of consumer that keeps coming back to buy from your brand.

How to increase leads conversions

In order to actually see an increase in leads conversions and how it should happen, you need to do some strategic moves.

We can’t really say a positive outcome will not happen if you simply install the chat and wait for something to happen. However, things will be a lot better-looking if you follow these basic steps:

  • set a welcome message
  • optimize chat for mobile experience
  • perform in-chat polls
  • start conversation with leads that abandoned their carts
  • collect customer data

Besides, you can trigger customers with coupons, discounts, and free items, so the lead wants to know how they can take advantage of those benefits.

What makes Live Chat so efficient to increase conversion?

Now, the main thing we have to say and stands-out about Live Chat is: real-time conversations! The name of the tool itself already gives you the answer to that question, doesn’t it?

Still, what makes the real-time factor so appealing to the audience? Well, times are busy and agitated, so people want to get things out of their way as fast and easily as they possibly can. And that’s what a Live Chat makes possible.

Moreover, the answer in a Live Chat can be as fast as 7 seconds. Because of that, many companies use an automatic message with a warning like, “Our attendant is a bit busy right now, your chat will start in about 2 minutes.” This way, the person gets an instant message and also knows it won’t take long to start the conversation.

If there’s one thing you can be certain of is that Live Chat is far ahead in the customers’ favorite communication channel. Your only job is to make sure answers are fast and problems are indeed resolved.

How to use Live Chat to achieve better results

Since we’ve made it clear that Live Chat does work, what do you need to do next?

First of all, it’s essential to have a service protocol and answer models ready. Through customer data collection, you can find the necessary information and understand what the main pain points are of your customer basis. So, with that in hand, you can formulate a few answers to be used when those questions happen.

Then, your business must have a brand persona. With it, you’ll determine the tone of voice to be used and what kind of language to use. A hint: your persona is defined by your brand’s values.

In order for the communication to be effective, productive, and compatible with the brand persona, your team needs to be trained and qualified. It’s important that everyone knows what to do, how to deal with certain situations, and where to look for the answers they need. 

Nonetheless, they should also be encouraged to use their own personalities. It’s not supposed to be a copy and paste conversation, people need to feel like there’s a real person behind the screen, and not a robot. The whole point of using a Live Chat is to make communication more human, right?

Whether by using emojis, slangs, or even laughter, if the moment is appropriate, the human characteristic must appear.

Last but not least, Live Chat should also be used with proactiveness. You don’t need to wait for the customer to take the first step, you can start the conversation yourself. Whether that is to welcome a visitor or to use the cross-selling strategy we’ve talked about earlier. Just don’t let the chat sit there unused.

Here at Arena we’ve already helped innumerous brands to achieve better results in their eCommerces. How about you join them?
You can start with a FREE TRIAL of our Live Chat solution and all it takes is creating a free account.