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Social Stream is a feature that can further enhance your Tokyo Olympics news coverage.

Bringing together the biggest names in more than 40 sports, the Olympic Games will undoubtedly be the biggest event of the year.

And for the first time in the history of the Olympics, the event will take place without the physical presence of an audience.

Indeed, millions of people across the planet will turn their attention exclusively to the screens of TVs, computers and cell phones to follow the disputes for medals and record-breaking performances.

The games are scheduled to officially kick-off on July 23rd.

But the fight for the best coverage, from the Opening Ceremony to the Closing Ceremony, has already started.

Check out below how you can improve your audience’s experience with Arena’s solutions.

Live Blog? Live Chat? Yes, for sure!

If your goal during the 2021 Tokyo Olympics includes audience engagement and revenue generation, Arena Live Blog and Live Chat can be your greatest allies.

Live Blog is the most suitable platform for real-time coverage.

Allowing instant text, image, audio and video content posting, the tool is very easy to install and operate.

Furthermore, Live Blog delivers a unique experience for the audience. Which, in turn, responds with more time spent on the website.

To find out how Live Blog Arena can boost your Olympic Games broadcast, check out the article we’ve prepared here.

Live Chat instantly connects your audience – with your brand and among each other – by exchanging text messages.

It offers features that encourage immediate user participation, such as polls and Q&A.

This gets them deeply involved in the broadcast.

And it can be summed up in just two words that are equivalent to gold in the digital universe: audience engagement.

Speaking of gold, both Live Chat and Live Blog make it possible to monetize your content.

Whether through display advertising insertion, or even direct conversion opportunities, a live stream can easily become a source of new revenue.

See how this happens.

Now, to elevate the relevance of the Tokyo 2021 Olympics digital broadcast in the vast ocean of content, there is a secret: Social Stream.

What is Social Stream?

Social Stream is an Arena Live Blog feature that allows you to integrate third-party hashtags and social profiles into a live stream event page.

For example: during a football match, it is possible to automatically include posts from the clubs’ official social channels.

This way, real-time coverage gains much more life, being enriched by contents from influencers and institutions.

And it avoids dispersion of the audience you’ve won to other platforms or social networks.

Today, it is possible to include social content from the following networks:

  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Reddit
  • web
  • Other (RSS)

Learn, step-by-step, how to set up your Social Stream. Also, checkout how Fox Sports Australia already leverages Social Stream in its live sports coverage.

Social Stream at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics

Arena has prepared a gift for you. And it will boost your Social Stream for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.

It’s nothing more, nothing less than a spreadsheet filled with all the main profiles related to Olympic Games sports.

With them, your stream will be even more complete and powerful.

Olympics Social Accounts Cheat Sheet | Arena